It’s important to make an informed decision when selecting the best concrete sealer for your project. The choice of sealer can significantly influence the appearance, durability, and utility of your concrete surfaces. 

Whether it’s a driveway, countertop, or floor, understanding the nuances of concrete sealers will help your concrete look great and last longer.

The Different Concrete Sealer Types

Concrete sealers broadly embody two categories: penetrating and topical. Penetrating sealers, such as silicates and silicones, absorb into the concrete to protect it from moisture and chemicals. 

Topical sealers, including acrylics, epoxy, and polyurethane, form a protective film on the surface that enhances the appearance and protects against wear and staining. The choice between these types largely depends on the desired aesthetic and the specific resistance needed for the environment where the concrete is located.

The selection of the right sealer is especially critical for polished concrete to maintain its refined appearance and longevity. Polished concrete requires sealers that protect the surface from physical and chemical damage and enhance its natural gloss and color depth without compromising slip resistance. 

While penetrating sealers are preferred for maintaining concrete’s natural look and feel, certain topical sealers are specifically designed to enhance and preserve the shine of polished surfaces without creating a slippery surface.

Visit our detailed guide for an overview of the three main types of sealers used to protect polished concrete floors. Each is tailored to different maintenance needs and aesthetic desires. 

Which Sealer Is Best for Concrete?

The best concrete sealer depends on your specific needs and the concrete’s exposure conditions. Topical sealers, like acrylic and epoxy, are excellent for adding a protective layer that enhances color and provides a gloss. 

On the other hand, penetrating sealers are ideal for protecting against moisture and chemical intrusion, as they absorb into the concrete and create a barrier from within. For general use, acrylic sealers might be the go-to option due to their balance of cost, appearance, and protective qualities.

Acrylic sealers are a favorable choice for projects in low-wear areas where aesthetics are a priority due to their ease of application and reapplication. They suit residential areas like driveways and patios but may not be ideal for high-traffic commercial areas, where more durable sealers like epoxy or polyurethane work best. 

These tougher sealers are perfect for areas needing resistance to abrasion, chemicals, and stains. Their gloss finish enhances the color of stained or dyed concrete. However, they require more careful surface preparation and a longer curing time, which should be considered during planning.

What Is the Longest-Lasting Concrete Sealer?

Epoxy and polyurethane sealers are among the top choices for longevity. These products form a durable, hard layer on the surface of the concrete that can resist abrasion, chemicals, and stains for many years, especially when properly maintained. 

While less visible, penetrating sealers offer long-lasting protection by chemically reacting with the concrete to form a barrier against moisture and wear.

To make you choose the most durable sealer, consider the specific environmental factors and usage demands of the concrete area. Epoxy is renowned for its longevity and robust nature in indoor environments, where it provides a thick, impermeable coating. 

Polyurethane is preferable for outdoor areas subject to UV exposure due to its UV resistance and flexibility, which is beneficial for surfaces experiencing slight movements or temperature changes. 

Additionally, penetrating sealers like silicate, silane, and siloxane offer invisible yet effective protection for exterior applications. These sealers are ideal for maintaining the natural look of concrete while guarding against moisture and freeze-thaw cycles.

Can You Put Concrete Sealer on Old Concrete?

Yes – applying sealer to old concrete is an effective way to extend its life and refresh its appearance. 

Before application, clean the concrete thoroughly and repair any cracks or damages. Cleaning ensures the sealer adheres correctly and performs as expected. 

For older concrete, a penetrating sealer might be particularly beneficial as it helps to combat the increased porosity that comes with age.

To successfully seal old concrete:

  1. Start by assessing the surface condition.
  2. Remove any dirt, grease, or existing coatings with a power washer for a thorough cleaning. 
  3. Ensure the concrete is completely dry, which may take several days, depending on the weather. 
  4. Repair cracks or chips with a suitable concrete patching compound, allowing it to cure fully before proceeding. 
  5. Select a penetrating sealer for its deep absorption and robust protection, which is especially useful for weather-exposed driveways and patios. 
  6. For enhanced protection, particularly in high-wear areas, apply a topical sealer over the penetrating sealer to create a sacrificial layer that preserves the underlying concrete.

Following these steps, you can effectively seal old concrete, enhancing its durability and appearance for many years.

Food Safe Concrete Sealer

Choosing a food-safe concrete sealer is essential when it comes to areas where food is prepared, such as kitchen countertops. These sealers are specifically formulated to be non-toxic and safe for contact with food. They protect the concrete from stains and scratches and ensure harmful chemicals cannot leach into food items. 

Water-based sealers are often preferred for indoor use due to their lower VOC content and minimal odor.

Look for products that specifically state they are safe for food contact. These products typically meet stringent regulatory standards, such as those set by the FDA or similar international bodies, ensuring they do not contain harmful substances like lead, phthalates, or formaldehyde.

Factors to Consider When Choosing a Food-safe Sealer

A key factor in choosing a food-safe sealer is its resistance to common kitchen substances such as oils, acids, and alcohol. Epoxy and urethane-based sealers are often recommended because they provide a durable, non-porous finish that can withstand the harsh kitchen environment. 

These sealers effectively prevent stains and are easy to clean, making them ideal for residential and commercial kitchens.

In addition to their protective qualities, consider the application process of food-safe sealers. Water-based products are generally easier to apply and have faster drying times. They emit fewer volatile organic compounds (VOCs), which makes them safer to use in enclosed spaces without solid ventilation.

Regular maintenance and reapplication according to the manufacturer’s guidelines are crucial to maintain the effectiveness and safety of food-safe concrete sealers. Maintenance helps ensure the surface remains hygienic and continues to comply with food safety regulations.

For those looking for eco-friendly options, several food-safe sealers are available. These sealers use natural ingredients or advanced green chemistry to provide effective protection without toxic chemicals. 

High-Quality Concrete Sealer

The mantra “you get what you pay for” is particularly true regarding concrete sealers. High-quality sealers may have a higher initial cost, but they can save money in the long run by reducing the need for frequent reapplications and maintenance. 

A high-quality sealer offers better protection against environmental elements and wear, ensuring that your concrete surfaces remain pristine for longer. When selecting a sealer, consider the product’s warranty and the manufacturer’s reputation.

Superior formulations in high-quality sealers ensure enhanced performance and durability. They often feature higher solids content for a thicker, more durable layer suitable for high-traffic areas. Versatile across various concrete types and finishes, these sealers provide excellent adhesion without altering the natural appearance unless desired. 

The ease of application, faster drying times, and reduced VOC emissions are significant advantages, especially for eco-conscious consumers. To safeguard your investment, ensure you have comprehensive manufacturer support, including detailed application guides and robust warranties.

If you’re considering sealing a polished concrete floor or have questions about the best sealer for your project, contact Runyon Surface Prep for expert advice and consultation.