For the most part, you’ll find similar procedures for concrete floor maintenance across different types of concrete floor applications and finishes. However, the approach will vary depending on the amount of use the surface gets along with the environment. Is this a customer-facing commercial setting with decorative flooring? Or, is the surface comprised of simple polished concrete under machinery and laborers?

At Runyon Surface Prep, we offer a wide spectrum of concrete surface prep equipment and accessories for rent or purchase. This post highlights the importance of routine maintenance on concrete surfaces for the sake of longevity and visual appeal.

A Well-Maintained Concrete Surface Starts With Quality Installation

A careful installation by a concrete professional is the first step in long-term maintenance. Without solid ground (pun intended) to stand on, the whole project falls apart.

How so?

Well, for the most part, the challenge here is moisture control. The initial application of a concrete surface should use only the amount of water necessary for the concrete mix.

Otherwise, the beginning stages of installation, drying, and polishing will need careful attention to not allow moisture into the setting process. Excess moisture leads to cracks in concrete a weak surface in general.


During the installation process, consider using a dehumidifier (or several for larger spaces) to prevent excess moisture from settling into the concrete as it dries.

Cleaning & Maintaining Your Concrete Surface

Protecting your surface from damaging chemicals and oils is key for long-term concrete floor maintenance. This will be especially challenging for concrete floors in demanding commercial settings like manufacturers, warehouses, and auto shops where spills are commonplace.

If possible, you should remove all liquid spills immediately after they occur to prevent staining or deterioration.

For dirt removal and routine cleaning, you can use a dust mop and broom or vacuum to get rid of the everyday junk and muck. You’ll then want to use a mop (damp, not soaked) paired with quality concrete surface cleaner. Be sure you let the surface dry before replacing equipment or other objects.

Concrete Floor Cleaning Equipment

If you’re looking for more than a broom can provide, there are several different models of ride-on auto-scrubbers and walk-behinds that can help you pick up dirt and grime across medium-to-large surface areas.

When it comes to auto-scrubbers, be sure to use the right concentrated cleaner. Not all cleaners are manufactured the same. Runyon’s RSP Revive floor cleaner contains no harsh chemicals, it’s environmentally friendly, and it’s ideal for cleaning epoxy and urethane coated, terrazzo installed, and polished concrete surfaces.

Maintaining a Polished Concrete Shine

In addition to routine cleaning with a dust mop and mop or scrubber, you’ll want to have rugs and mats added to areas with regular foot traffic – this will help prevent uneven wear and tear.

It’s also important, in order to maintain the shine, to buff the concrete surface on a semi-regular basis (how often will depend on the amount of use the surface gets). You can also re-polish if the surface is dulled beyond what a good buffing can do.

Maintaining Stained Concrete

Follow the same process as you would a standard polished floor. But for stained concrete, you’ll also want to maintain it with a film-forming sealer and a coat of finish or wax. These will need to be reapplied every couple of years. Use commercial grade wax and sealers that help the stained floor resist the elements – especially water.

How Often Should I Clean & Buff My Concrete Floor?

Concrete surfaces are everywhere. But whether you’re cleaning a machine shop or decorative concrete flooring of a retail building, you should be sweeping and mopping these daily (sometimes more often). And you’ll want to buff them regularly. 

Lesser used concrete floors can usually maintain a shine while only receiving a buff every few days. Others may only need a weekly buff, depending on your chosen sealer. If you’ve not installed your concrete surface with a sealer, the surface can go up to a year without needing a buff.


Rent or Purchase Your Concrete Cleaning Equipment

Not only do we offer branded auto scrubbers and concrete cleaning products, but our catalog is filled with everything you need for concrete surface prep and maintenance. So, if you’re also on the hunt for a heavy-duty floor grinder or scarifier or if you simply need some new diamond tooling sets, we’ve got you covered. 

Learn more with a quick call or by contacting us online.