EDCO General Purpose Dyma-Sert


SKU: 0000002083 Category:


Work smarter, not harder. The EDCO New Wedge-Less Dyma-Sert Diamond Grinding Matrices grind five times faster than grinding stones, and last longer. They produce up to 30,000 square feet of grinding action on standard 3,500 PSI concrete.

Wet or dry, this Dyma-Sert is ideal for smoothing rough surfaces or trowel marks, grinding terrazzo, repairing surface damage to concrete slabs, leveling high spots, as well as grinding sharp aggregates such as flint and granite. It also removes urethane or epoxy thin coats, surface imperfections from epoxy mortars, as well as removing think mastics and thin-sets.

These diamond segments are actually universal in that they can be inserted into the wedgeless tool holding case or the classic style holding case (held into place with a wood wedge). The new wedgeless holding case is sold separately and is unique in that the welded backing plate improves grinding speed and removes your tough coatings.

Note: each dyma-sert is sold individually and each sert fits into a holding case.

Additional information

Weight 5 lbs
Dimensions 5 × 4 × 4 in

1X 30 Grit Medium Concrete (#19110), 2X 30 Grit Soft Concrete (#19130), 3X 30 Grit Hard Concrete (#19180), 5X 50 Grit Terrazzo (#19250), 7X 80 Grit Terrazzo (#19260), 9X 120 Grit Terrazzo (#19270)



