How to Paint Concrete in 6 Steps

Are you looking to learn how to paint concrete floors or a garage floor? Painting a concrete surface is more than just applying paint with a brush, it requires a systematic and professional approach to ensure a stable and effective job.  It also means using the...
Concrete Coating FAQs Answered

Concrete Coating FAQs Answered

If you’re looking for a durable and long-lasting flooring option, concrete is a popular choice for commercial and residential projects. However, ensuring that you’re using the right concrete floor coating is essential for your floor’s longevity and...
Top 5 Concrete Finishing Tools to Make Your Job Easy

Top 5 Concrete Finishing Tools to Make Your Job Easy

Floor grinders, shot blasters, power trowels – amid the list of surface prep equipment at the heart of concrete work, several concrete finishing tools go underappreciated and underutilized, even by experienced professionals. We drafted this post to highlight the top...
Polished Concrete: 5 Things You Should Know

Polished Concrete: 5 Things You Should Know

Increasing in popularity in many different settings, polished concrete has become a flexible flooring alternative, from industrial warehouses to modern homes.  Let’s explore the benefits and drawbacks of polished concrete by reviewing these five essential things...
Choose the Right Industrial Vacuum for Concrete Floors

Choose the Right Industrial Vacuum for Concrete Floors

If you have concrete floors in an industrial setting, you know how challenging it can be to keep them clean. The high foot traffic, machinery, debris, and dust make it essential to have a specialized vacuum designed for the task.  An industrial vacuum for...
Runyon Roots: Drew Turnbull

Runyon Roots: Drew Turnbull

Hailing from the hills of Southern Indiana, Drew Turnbull is a Hoosier through and through. A child of the 90’s, he was born in Bloomington; home to IU, Breaking Away, and John Mellencamp. But because his father was from Michigan and his family originally from Canada,...
Must-Have Equipment for Concrete Surface Preparation

Must-Have Equipment for Concrete Surface Preparation

Are you planning to work on a concrete surface? The correct concrete surface preparation starts with the right equipment. The proper tools will help boost your efficiency and prevent the need for extra work.  Whether a small or large project, inside or outside,...
Runyon Roots: Rob Harris

Runyon Roots: Rob Harris

“Runaround” Rob Harris has truly grown up on the move. Born in sunny West Palm Beach, Florida, back in ’95, he moved first to California, then back east again to Georgia, and then finally ended up in Indiana, all before he’d made it through kindergarten. The...
Polishing Concrete With a Power Trowel: 2023 Quick Guide

Polishing Concrete With a Power Trowel: 2023 Quick Guide

If you’re looking into polishing concrete with a power trowel, we can help. The concrete flooring experts at Runyon Surface Prep have been big proponents of this method for years.  In fact, we even developed an innovative magnetic preload system to streamline the...
4 Reasons to Use Ram Board for Concrete

4 Reasons to Use Ram Board for Concrete

Originally designed to meet the demands of the film industry, Ram Board has since become a leading name in floor protection, including Ram Board for concrete surfaces. What is Ram Board?  Ram Board protects concrete floors (among other floor types) from damage...
Diamond Tooling: Why Use a Copper Transitional Pad

Diamond Tooling: Why Use a Copper Transitional Pad

Tooling pads in the concrete surface industry have been used since the dawn of wet polishing through the rise of dry polishing in the ‘90s. While floor grinders have seen their share of evolutionary changes over the years, diamond tooling has evolved just as much....
How To: Build a DIY Epoxy Table-Top Workbench

How To: Build a DIY Epoxy Table-Top Workbench

Last week, we realized we were in need of a nice-looking workbench for magnetic preload system assembly. When we started thinking of creative ways to use materials around the shop, we had a great idea. We came up with a tabletop made of materials that are 10x stronger...
Call in the Concrete Shaver – Save a Cow

Call in the Concrete Shaver – Save a Cow

“A man walks into a dairy farm pushing a concrete shaver with one hand and carrying a box of diamond blades in the other…” Could this be the beginning of a bad joke? Perhaps, but it could also be a concerned dairy farmer merely looking to upgrade his concrete floors...
How to Get High-Gloss Finish on Concrete

How to Get High-Gloss Finish on Concrete

High-gloss finishes bring a visually appealing touch to concrete surfaces, one that’s especially popular in commercial projects but can be just as well utilized in residential applications. To achieve a high-gloss finish on concrete, you can either polish the surface...
Runyon Roots: Dan East

Runyon Roots: Dan East

“Mechanic” Dan East is the quintessential Hoosier. A child of the 60’s, he was born in Beech Grove, at Saint Francis hospital, just down the street from the 19th century home that his grandparents had lived in since 1928. And he still owns this home. Dan was the...
How Can I Make My Concrete Surface Look Better?

How Can I Make My Concrete Surface Look Better?

When finished adequately and maintained well, concrete surfaces should keep up a good quality visual appearance for several years. That said, many influences over time can cause concrete to crack, discolor, deteriorate, or become unlevel. Runyon Surface Prep has...
How Hard Is It to Stain Concrete?

How Hard Is It to Stain Concrete?

The guidelines for staining concrete typically remain the same for most situations, the staining itself can be a relatively painless process once you know what you’re doing. How difficult the application is will depend on the circumstances of the project, like the...