Polished Concrete: 5 Things You Should Know

Polished Concrete: 5 Things You Should Know

Increasing in popularity in many different settings, polished concrete has become a flexible flooring alternative, from industrial warehouses to modern homes.  Let’s explore the benefits and drawbacks of polished concrete by reviewing these five essential things...
Choose the Right Industrial Vacuum for Concrete Floors

Choose the Right Industrial Vacuum for Concrete Floors

If you have concrete floors in an industrial setting, you know how challenging it can be to keep them clean. The high foot traffic, machinery, debris, and dust make it essential to have a specialized vacuum designed for the task.  An industrial vacuum for...
Polishing Concrete With a Power Trowel: 2023 Quick Guide

Polishing Concrete With a Power Trowel: 2023 Quick Guide

If you’re looking into polishing concrete with a power trowel, we can help. The concrete flooring experts at Runyon Surface Prep have been big proponents of this method for years.  In fact, we even developed an innovative magnetic preload system to streamline the...