How to Manage Slurry Production While Trowel Polishing

How to Manage Slurry Production While Trowel Polishing

Since OSHA began enforcing its new standard for silica exposure in 2017, we’ve seen a rise in the use of wet polishing techniques, which eliminate the hazard of airborne silica. Power trowel polishing is one of those wet techniques that brings with it a number of...
The Sanitation Benefits of Polished Concrete

The Sanitation Benefits of Polished Concrete

It’s no secret that polished concrete floors offer several advantages over other flooring options, from cost efficiency to durability. But attention to cleanliness in recent years has brought another polished concrete benefit to light: easy sanitation.  Research...
The Ultimate Guide to Trowel Polishing

The Ultimate Guide to Trowel Polishing

Trowel polishing is quietly becoming a popular method of polishing concrete in the surface preparation industry. But if you’ve tried looking into the technique online, you’ve probably come away disappointed at the lack of reliable information out there. Luckily,...
4 Causes of Concrete Damage

4 Causes of Concrete Damage

Cracks, sunken areas, the dreaded spalling—no contractor likes to see these things when they walk onto a job site. Unfortunately, improper curing processes, moisture issues, and other exterior forces can result in concrete damage to warehouse floors and corporate...