Protecting Your Investment in Polished and Coated Floors

Protecting Your Investment in Polished and Coated Floors

There’s a long list of mishaps and influences that can compromise the integrity of even the strongest concrete floors, whether that floor is installed in a heavy industry commercial setting or a quiet, private home. Thankfully, there are ways you can protect the...
Proper Procedures for Maintaining Your Concrete Floor

Proper Procedures for Maintaining Your Concrete Floor

For the most part, you’ll find similar procedures for concrete floor maintenance across different types of concrete floor applications and finishes. However, the approach will vary depending on the amount of use the surface gets along with the environment. Is this a...
FAQ: Industrial Vacuums in Concrete Surface Prep

FAQ: Industrial Vacuums in Concrete Surface Prep

The typical setup for concrete dust extraction involves a direct link via hose from your abrasive equipment (floor grinder, scarifier, shot blaster) to the vacuum itself. For this process to go smoothly and collect dust efficiently, there are several factors that...
How Do You Repair Concrete Surface Defects?

How Do You Repair Concrete Surface Defects?

Even the most carefully poured and finished concrete can develop defects. Concrete surface defects can range from minor blemishes to major structural problems, compromising the concrete’s integrity. This is why it’s important to repair concrete surfaces. Types...