Maintaining and updating commercial concrete floors extends their longevity, enhances safety, and increases visual appeal. Regular maintenance helps prevent costly repairs, enhances the appearance of your property, and supports a productive working environment.

In this post, we’ll highlight the reasons you should update your commercial concrete surfaces and explain how to properly maintain them, with specific attention to quality assurance and aesthetics.

Why Should You Update Commercial Floors?

While regular maintenance can uphold your concrete surface’s structural integrity for a long time, there are cases when a refresh or a complete surface overhaul is necessary. 

This is only true with commercial concrete surfaces. Unlike residential surfaces, commercial surfaces see much more traffic. Consequently, the demand for visual appeal can be high – especially with client-facing concrete.

To keep your commercial concrete surfaces safe and visually appealing, it’s important to understand why updates and proper maintenance are essential. 

1. Trip Hazards

Some of the smallest cracks in concrete can lead to serious hazards in a commercial establishment. As they widen, concrete cracks pose a tripping threat to machine transportation and worker movement. The threat doubles if the concrete has become unlevel at the crack.

Unlevel Concrete

Unlevel concrete slabs are most common on the exterior surfaces of commercial properties, especially on walkways. As you consider the implications of your concrete surface’s current condition, take note of the height variations in your walkway slabs. Ordinances require walkways to be repaired once the variation reaches a certain height.

Functional Support

Functionality is crucial in your (or your client’s) operation. A surface that doesn’t receive routine polishing updates and repairs can slow down production and impact worker morale. Regular maintenance with our concrete grinding and polishing equipment ensures a smooth, functional surface.

2. Branding and Other Visual Updates

Your concrete surface may retain its quality visual appeal for several years. However, your brand will need regular updates to keep clients or customers interested. 

If your company undergoes an aesthetic overhaul, be sure to update your surfaces accordingly. You may be surprised what a color refresh can do for your commercial property’s appeal.

Consider Adding Color to Your Warehouse or Production Surface

Client-facing properties typically pay more attention to the visual appeal of their surface, while production-based buildings usually maintain a simple polish and natural concrete tones. But they don’t have to. 

As you refresh your surface, choose a concrete stain or dye to match the company brand. This can create a more interesting atmosphere in the workspace at a relatively inexpensive cost. 

Check out our range of concrete dyes and stains for vibrant, long-lasting color.

3. Avoiding Deferred Maintenance Costs

If you go several years without updating your concrete surface, you’ll likely have more to deal with in the future. Cracks will widen, and craters will sink further into the ground. 

Concrete is susceptible to element-influenced degradation if not properly cared for. A quality concrete surface installation with ongoing maintenance can last over a decade. However, that timeframe is dependent on a caring owner or manager.

How Do You Maintain Concrete Commercial Floors?

Daily sweeping and mopping prevent dirt accumulation, while periodic deep cleaning removes stubborn grime. Use appropriate cleaning solutions that won’t damage the concrete surface. 

In other words, maintaining commercial floors involves several key steps to extend longevity and enhance safety.

Sealing the floors protects them from stains and damage and should be done every few years. Promptly addressing cracks and other damage prevents more extensive issues later. Regular inspections can help identify potential problems early, ensuring your floors remain in top condition.

Let’s explore the key maintenance steps for maintaining your commercial floors in optimal condition.

Daily Cleaning

Sweep and mop daily to remove dust and debris. Use pH-neutral cleaning solutions to avoid damaging the concrete. For efficient daily maintenance, consider using the RSP 17″ Floor Machine with Dust Control. This versatile machine keeps your floors clean while controlling dust, making it ideal for maintaining a clean environment.

Periodic Deep Cleaning

Schedule deep cleaning to remove ingrained dirt. Consider using automatic scrubbers for large areas. Our scrubber machines provide efficient cleaning solutions for extensive commercial spaces.

Sealing and Repairs

Apply a concrete sealer every few years to protect against stains and wear. Products like the Prosoco Consolideck Concrete Protector SB offer water, oil, and stain repellency. This makes maintenance easier and extends the life of your concrete floors. Address cracks immediately using professional repair products from our concrete repair solutions.

How Often Should Commercial Floors Be Buffed?

We recommend buffing commercial floors every 2-3 months, depending on the level of foot traffic they receive. Buffing maintains a shiny, clean appearance and extends the life of the floor by removing surface dirt and minor scratches. 

High-traffic areas may require more frequent buffing to maintain their appearance and safety. Using high-quality buffing equipment and techniques can make a significant difference in the longevity and appearance of your concrete floors. 

Explore our range of floor buffers and polishers for optimal results.

How Often Should an Owner Reseal Their Concrete Surface?

You’ll want to reseal your concrete surface every few years. Make sure this is done by an experienced professional, or you’ll be back again before you know it. 

We offer a variety of sealing products and professional services to ensure your concrete surface remains protected.