Be it homes or work spaces, we like smooth, clean surfaces that are polished and well-maintained. Flooring options are aplenty in the industry—marble, granite, wooden, tiles, etc. In recent times, polished concrete has been gaining popularity as a preferred material for flooring.

Advantages of Polished Concrete:

  • Durable and Classy – Polished concrete is one of the most durable flooring options, and provides a classy and glossy look to floors and surfaces.
  • Requires no Waxing – The high point of polished concrete is that it is a no-waxing option. Polished concrete surfaces do not require waxing or coating processes, making them a prime choice in large spaces like commercial buildings, warehouses and so on.
  • Allows for Creativity – Concrete polishing is an art in itself. It is a multi-level process and this allows you to create a range of textures and finishes using the different levels or processes of concrete polishing.
  • Customizable – Concrete polishing gives you the ability to customize it to your desire. While other materials like granite, marble, etc come in pre-designed patterns, concrete can be customized, to an extent, using your creativity and adjusting the level of polishing.
  • Polishing Method – Concrete polishing is a simple process, something similar to sanding wood.

Different Things To Do With Polished Concrete:

  • Choose the Shine you Want – One can go totally high-gloss or opt for a slightly subdued satin shine by simply controlling the concrete polishing level.
  • Customize for Each Space – The advantage is that while you can use polished concrete across the entire house or building, you can still add character and definition to each space by adjusting the look and shine.
  • Add Patterns and Designs – You can add drama or style to the surfaces by giving it patterns and designs. Before polishing, you can create patterns on the concrete with saw cuts or embed objects into it to give it a unique design. There you get stylish, customized flooring—designed by you!

Polishing Equipment:

  • Polishing Machines – Advanced, heavy polishing machines (also called floor burnishers) are used to grind the concrete surface till it acquires a shiny, mirror-like look. The sturdy polishing equipment comes fitted with grinding grits and polishing pads. The machine is run across the concrete surface till you get the desired look.
  • How They Work – These coarse diamond fittings smoothen out blemishes and stains in minutes, giving the floor a silky smooth finish. Diamond abrasives embedded in a plastic or resin matrix are then used for fine grinding the surface till it gives you the required shine.

Concrete Polishing Methods:

  • Dry Polishing – This is the more commonly used method as it is faster, environment-friendly and more convenient.
  • Wet Polishing -This tends to leave behind a lot of mess, which is hard to dispose. In large areas, many people opt for a combination of wet and dry polishing for the different levels of concrete polishing.

Whatever be the method of concrete polishing, and whatever be the design in mind, make sure you get good quality polishing equipment with appropriate attachments. Check out the options available and choose wisely.