concrete polishing

When it comes to floors, concrete is unbeatable for its strength and durability. However, the inability to provide a smooth and polished finish to concrete floors and surfaces invariably forces a layer of marble, linoleum, tile or other material above the concrete. Recent advances in polishing techniques however make it possible to grind concrete floors, and thanks to this, polished concrete is now becoming the ultimate no-wax flooring material in offices, retail spaces, warehouses and even homes.
Concrete polishing equipment provides a high-gloss, and superior finish to concrete floors, rivaling most alternatives. What’s more, the effect is long-lasting, and the gloss does not require wax or coating to sustain. The machines come in many types, ranging from hand held units to specialized heavy-duty machinery. All types consist of diamond-impregnated disks and diamond polishing pads.

  1. The first step in concrete polishing is to treat the surface with a chemical densifier, normally lithium or sodium. The densifier forms a hard layer that is easier to grind. Mixing stains to the densifier provides the required color or design to the concrete floor.
  2. The next step is to grind the concrete with concrete polishing equipment, to the desired grit. The minimum grinding required for polished concrete is 400 grits. Higher grit delivers greater shine and smoothness. Most concrete polishing equipment touch 3000 grits.

The trick in using the machine to get a perfect finish and avoid circular marks, as the machine meanders around the surface, is to proceed slowly and apply even, vertical pressure to the concrete polisher. The optimum weight applied and speed ultimately depends on the floor surface and the type of machine. For instance, uneven floors and lighter machines may require application of extra force than normal.
Polished floors look attractive, are highly resistant to moisture, staining, and damage from wear and tear. You can use concrete polishing equipment for your home, office, commercial space or industrial facility, or elsewhere, to give your floors that incredibly smooth and sparkling finish.