Ameripolish Strip & Clean Before and After

photos courtesy of Ameripolish

Summer is an ideal time to rejuvenate existing concrete sidewalks, driveways and patios that have been neglected and have had their appearance diminished by the accumulation of grime, mildew and oil stains. With a thorough cleaning and the application of the proper sealer, exposed exterior concrete can be made like new and can be an attractive part of the landscape for years to come.


Step 1. Cleaning
The first step in rejuvenating exterior concrete areas is to remove any existing sealers and the surface grime that has accumulated. Ameripolish Strip and Clean or Prosoco Cure and Seal Remover are great options for this product. Once any sealer remnants have been removed, a deep chemical clean to restore the clean aesthetic can be achieved with a treatment of Ameripolish EZ Etch or Prosoco SafEtch. These products are superior to traditional acid washes in that they require no neutralization and clean-up is as simple as flushing the treated area with water. If oil stains are present, they can be mitigated with the use of products such as Ameripolish Oil Ingester and/or Prosoco Oil and Grease Stain Remover at this point.


Step 2. Sealing
Once the concrete surface is clean and rejuvenated, an exterior grade sealer should be applied to protect the area from becoming degraded again. The sealer used should be UV stable, have resistance to mildew growth and salt damage, and protect against oil infiltration. Ameripolish X-Link and Prosoco GuardEXT are products that fit the bill nicely.
Cleaning and sealing exterior concrete such as driveways, sidewalks and patios is a quick, simple and cost-effective way to enhance curb appeal and the early summer is an ideal time to do it.




Runyon Surface Prep Rental & Supply is a full-service sales and rental facility uniquely dedicated to the concrete polishing industry. Our uniqueness comes from providing our customers with a diverse equipment, product and supply portfolio. We offer training and support, such as technique workshops on prep, polishing or removal, and maintain a well-stocked inventory of consumables ready for your projects at a moment’s notice. Rather than perform contract work ourselves, we consult on job sites when necessary. With the backing of our vendors, Runyon Surface Prep offers support at any level, to assist in helping you get things done. We can deliver or ship wherever you need, or you can pick up from our facility.