At Runyon Surface Prep, we’re serious proponents of the power trowel. A staple of concrete surface prep work and a machine that demands careful attention to its design, the power trowel is among the most important tools for concrete surface professionals. This post highlights the power trowel in all its glory, particularly the ways it brings versatility and convenience to your projects. Stick around to see what yours can do.

1. Magnetic Preload Systems Will Help You Be More Efficient 

A magnetic preload system (MPS) provides the capability to switch out tooling quickly, allowing for a more efficient polishing system and less time spent fiddling with hardware. How does it work? The MPS consists of a stainless-steel ring bolted to the pad driver along with high-density polymer tool holder rings bearing embedded magnets on one side and, on the other side, six recessed slots for 3″ velcro backed puck style tools.

The easy-to-change steps include pulling off the polymer tool holder on the driver and sliding in a fully loaded tool holder in its place. Guide holes and alignment bosses allow for an easily guided and secure placement. Each Runyon MPS comes with a stainless-steel ring and two polymer tool holders.

2. Light Grind & Polishing Capabilities Mean You Can Leave the Grinder at Home

Your power trowel is capable of doing more than just finishing, it can perform surface grinds that don’t require floor leveling and give your floor a nice polish. For less demanding surface prep work, that means you may not need your floor grinder at all (depending on the project). You can also polish greater areas in a quicker timeframe – especially with the MPS attached. 

In fact, a ride-on power trowel will allow you to polish up to 10,000 square feet per hour. But an electric planetary grinder will typically polish somewhere between 300-800 square feet per hour. Of course, you should always invest in one. There are some things grinders can do that the power trowel, despite its versatility, cannot do. 

3. You Have Options!  

Runyon concrete power trowels come in two forms – walk-behind and ride-on. Walk-behind trowels are great for covering smaller surface areas and for businesses or contractors whose regular projects aren’t massive or demanding.

In other words, you can invest in a walk-behind and get the benefits of a quality power trowel without spending the funds a ride-on requires. Though ride-on trowels are the king’s throne of surface prep and we take pride in our range of ride-on options.

How Big Should I Go?

Typical sizes for ride-on power trowels will range from 6 feet to 12 feet panning overage and guard rings for walk-behinds are typically up to 36 inches in diameter. If you want to reach that 10,000 square foot per hour coverage, you’ll want to go pretty big.

Consider your typical project location and spatial demands before you make the commitment. Are you regularly attending to commercial properties with larger spaces or residential projects with lesser demands? A little of both? You can always rent your power trowel and try it out first!

Once you’ve figured out the space you should cover with your trowel, you’ll want to consider your trowel’s fuel type. Often, these machines run on natural gas. But you’re not limited to it! Read on to learn more. 

Customize Your Trowel System with the Multiquip LD6

At Runyon Surface Prep, we also provide propane conversion for the Multiquip LD6 ride-on trowel, the only hydrostatic 6’ trowel on the market. Propane is a better choice for continuous use as it’s typically more fuel-efficient. Propane also burns cleaner than gas, which means there’s less of a risk of hazardous exposure.  

Runyon Surface Prep – Everything You Need From Start to Finish

Runyon power trowel systems are engineered for quality finishing and polishing and come in a variety of different power and size options. Accessories include slurry shuttles, trowel belts, trowel dollies, splash guards, filters, and more.

Scarifiers, magnetic preload systems, floor grinders – our catalog has it all. We also supply aggregate, concrete coating, and various pigments for customizable surface finishes. Our equipment is available for purchase or rent and we ship internationally! Learn more with a call or send us a message online.