Refurbishing a concrete floor requires careful planning and surface preparation. One crucial step is finding the right tools for removing glue or mastic residue left behind by previous floor coverings. Often, these residues can be particularly stubborn and hard to remove, so choosing the right tools is important.

We’ll explore two proven tools to help you achieve a smooth and clean surface before applying new overlays or polishing. 

Whether you need to remove stubborn coatings or prepare the floor for a fresh coating, these tools will ensure a successful floor revitalization project. Each tool has its distinct strengths and is designed to make the removal process efficient and less time-consuming.

2 Essential Tools for Removing Glue and Mastic from Concrete Surfaces

Two highly effective tools shine when we discuss the need to remove glue and mastic from concrete surfaces. Let’s take a closer look at each of them and their unique features. Understanding these tools in detail can provide a clear idea of how to choose one according to your specific needs.

EDCO 10″ Propane Turbo Concrete Grinder

The EDCO 10″ Propane Turbo Concrete Grinder is a powerhouse designed to tackle tough surface preparation tasks. With its impressive performance, this tool can easily handle even the toughest and most stubborn glue and mastic. 

Because of the features, it is easy to see why it’s a top choice among professionals for its impressive features and overall efficiency.

  • Grinding Efficiency: Equipped with a 10″ diamond disc, this grinder achieves a super smooth surface profile with a working depth of 1/8″ per pass. Its exceptional speed ensures you complete the job in less time than conventional grinders.
  • Versatility: The rounded shroud design allows grinding within 1/2″ of any vertical surface, providing better dust control. It works equally well in wet or dry environments, making it suitable for various conditions.
  • Precision Grinding: The rigid head assembly of the EDCO grinder is ideal for addressing uneven expansion joints, high spots, joint curls, and bridge decks.  To prepare a smooth, flat floor to receive a new coating, opt for the optional flex head assembly.
  • Diamond Technology: The EDCO 10″ Propane Turbo Concrete Grinder utilizes advanced diamond technology, contributing to its superior performance. 

Keep in mind that the enhanced capabilities come at a slightly higher cost. This tool is a worthwhile investment for anyone in need of heavy-duty mastic and glue removal.

Swing Machine with Diamabrush Concrete Prep Plus Tool

The Swing Machine with Diamabrush Concrete Prep Plus Tool is a versatile solution for removing coatings and thin layers of paint or epoxy.  This tool is another favorite among industry professionals, known for its versatility and efficiency.

Consider the following benefits of using the Diamabrush Concrete Prep Plus :

  • Adaptability: This tool can be installed on existing floor maintenance equipment, providing added convenience. Its flexible blades are designed to maintain constant contact with the floor, ensuring effective removal even on imperfect surfaces.
  • Powerful Grit: The Diamabrush Concrete Prep Plus Tool utilizes 25 or 100 diamond grit bonded to metallic backing. The blades are assembled to flexible steel spring blades, offering optimal performance for tackling challenging coatings and residues.
  • Comprehensive Floor Preparation: The Diamabrush tool serves as the initial step in a complete concrete floor preparation system. Not only does it remove the coatings, but it also preps the surface for the next stages of treatment. It seamlessly integrates with six different polishing tools, allowing you to achieve the desired level of gloss for your floor application.

Putting the Tools into Action

The right tools for removing glue and mastic from concrete surfaces are vital for a successful floor refurbishment project. The EDCO 10″ Propane Turbo Concrete Grinder and the Swing Machine with Diamabrush Concrete Prep Plus Tool have proven their effectiveness in these tasks. 

Depending on your specific requirements, you can choose the grinder for rough surface grinding and coating removal or the Swing Machine with Diamabrush for targeted coating removal and comprehensive floor preparation. The choice will ultimately depend on the specifics of your project and what you need your tools to achieve.

Whichever tool you opt for, rest assured that Runyon Surface Prep offers a wide range of equipment, including the EDCO grinders and the Diamabrush Concrete Prep Plus Tool, to meet your needs. Make your concrete surface revitalization project a success with these reliable tools.